Guilds can be official and unofficial. Official guilds are sanctioned by The Crown and have a royal charter.
Alchemist Guild of Ealdormere
For those interested in chemical reactions and turning lead into gold.
Ealdormerian Bakers’ Guild
Bardic College of Ealdormere
Song books and other resources for the Kingdom that sings.
The Blacksmith’s Guild of Ealdormere.
Bookbinders Guild of Ealdormere
Yahoo Groups Page:
Ealdormere Brewers Guild
This is the Facebook page for the Kingdom of Ealdormere Brewers Guild. We are devoted to the advancement of the art and science of producing medieval drinkables. Our craft to be defined as the brewing, vintning, distilling, and compounding of period alcoholic drinkables.
Ealdormere Cartographers Guild
For cartographers of all skill levels, and other lovers of maps, both medieval and SCA related
Ealdormere Games Guild
The Games Guild of Ealdormere is an open organization of medieval games enthusiasts within the Society of Creative Anachronism. It was founded on November 3, 2001 (Anno Societatus XXXVI), chartered by TRMs Aaron and Rustique. The Guild’s primary goal is to teach people about medieval games, engage in research, and encourage the play of games at events.
Ealdormere Library Guild
Members of this group may offer to conduct research searches for projects. Post your research problem, and we’ll get on it!
Ealdormere Trebuchet Builders Guild
For those people who have an interest in building and operating medieval style trebuchets and other seige weapons.
Ealdormere Waits
Waits were town musicians. The Ealdormere Waits’ purpose is to support music within the SCA through tracking practices and performance opportunities, sharing music and resources, and managing an instrument lending library for historical instruments.
Excellent Guild of Ealdormerian Equestrian Enthusiasts.
For all things related to SCA Equestrian activities.
Glassworker’s Guild of Ealdormere
Honourable Guild of Fewterers, Veneurs and Mewskeepers of Ealdormere
The Honourable Guild of Fewterers, Veneurs and Mewskeepers of Ealdormere welcomes all members of the populace to share in our love and interest in all things canine, equine and avian. This is a place to share pictures, stories and information about the life of a working animal in the Middle Ages.
Kingdom of Ealdormere Moneyer’s Guild
Lacemakers of Ealdormere
A group for lace-makers and those interested in lace-making generally from Ealdormere, but all are welcome. This is an unofficial casual group.
Leather Workers Guild of Ealdormere
Metalsmith’s and Jeweler’s Guild of Ealdormere
Northern Foresters
“The Royal Foresters are recruiting men and women who are skilled at, or have an interest in; camping, pavilioning, outdoor living, and survival in period fashion, as well as journeys over land, and by inland waterways in period fashion. It is the purpose of foresters to research, recreate, educate, and demonstrate historical tools, methods, equipment, and techniques for living, camping, traveling, and cooking in the outdoors or in wilderness locations.”
Royal Ealdormere Guild of Vexillogy
Royal Guild of Ealdormerian Feast Cooks:
This group is a meeting place to share the work-load of fest-cooking, as well as to share information regarding problem solving strategies.
Royal Horticultural and
Herbalism Guild of Ealdormere
This Guild is for those interested in Medieval Gardening, plants, herbs, and gardening techniques. To further Knowledge. To trade bounty. (An un-official off shoot of our collective interest in the SCA and all things medieval)
White Wolf Fian
Order of the White Wolf FianThe Order of the White Wolf Fian is a challenge order for the arts and sciences in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, within the Society for Creative Anachronism.