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Kingdom Chronicler

Baroness Lucia de Enzinas

The Kingdom Chronicler is the head of the Chronicler’s College of Ealdormere and is responsible for publishing The Tidings (the official publication of the Kingdom of Ealdormere) as well as overseeing other avenues of communications within the kingdom.

The Tidings and Vox Borealis 

The Tidings is the official newsletter of the Kingdom of Ealdormere. The Vox Borealis is Ealdormere’s Peoples’ Magazine. Both are published monthly. International and Sustaining members can access The Tidings, all other Kingdom newsletters, Board minutes and Quiver and Quarrels. Current and back issues can be found here.

To join the email list to receive the latest issue of the Tidings and Vox Borealis email the

Event Registration

All events in Ealdormere must have an event flyer printed in the Tidings at least one month prior to the event. Otherwise, no official business can be conducted at the event. There are a few steps required to get your SCA event registered.

Please visit the How to Register Your Event page

Chronicler’s Files


Links of Interest