Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences
Siglinde Harfnerstochter
(Diane Harper)
The Ealdormerian Ministry of Arts and Sciences seeks to provide resources for members of the Society for Creative Anachronism who are interested in the arts and sciences of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, to assist Arts & Sciences Officers with their duties, and to promote the work of Ealdormere’s artisans and craftspeople.
The KMoAS helps run a huge arts and sciences display and competition every year.
Officer Reporting Schedule
All Regional Ministers of Arts & Science (MoAS) are required to report four time a year.
The reports are due:
Shires to Kingdom: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Cantons to Barony: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Baronies to Kingdom: March 7, June 7, September 7, December 7Reporting forms:
Official Resources
- Kingdom Arts & Sciences Handbook (4th Ed) (PDF)
Important Dates
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Tournament
List of deadlines:
All research papers and documentation will be sent to ealdormere.kmoas@gmail.com
The subject line will include the following: Entrant’s name; entry title for documentation or research paper title.
For Pent entrants; documentation for your entries can be sent in one email but please attach documentation as individual files. i.e. I should receive 5 attachments for Pent documentation, not 1.
Useful Links:
- General Rules (pdf):
- Pent FAQ (pdf)
- Research paper guideline (pdf)
**Please send all research papers and documentation to ealdormere.kmoas@gmail.com
The email subject line needs to include the following:
-Entrant name
-What you are sending.
Ex. Xristina Documentation entry X or Xristina Research paper title X
For anyone wishing to judge, please register as soon as you are able to do so. See also Ealdormere Judges Handbook
Related Forms: