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Media Relations in Ealdormere

The SCA welcomes the chance to speak with members of the media and discuss what we do and how our society stands out. Local groups are encouraged to reach out to the media with invitations to attend demos, events and for networking.

Past online articles from communities all over Ontario are shared on the Ealdormere in the News Facebook page.

If you’re a reporter and you have a story idea you would like to discuss with the SCA please contact:

Ealdormere/SCA Media Relations Officer (Ontario/province wide)
Christian Mlotschek

Reporters are also invited to directly contact the local group president (“Seneschal”) in your area if you have questions best answered in your community.


Backgrounder on the Kingdom of Ealdormere

Past online articles from communities all over Ontario are shared on the Ealdormere in the News Facebook page. 

The Kingdom of Ealdormere also has a general Facebook page with our news and items of interest to members that is a window into our world.

If you are a community representative looking for assistance for a medieval demonstration at your school or event, an email to the group’s president (“Seneschal”) is a good place to start.