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Welcome to the newcomer page for the Kingdom Of Ealdormere and the Society for Creative Anachronisms (SCA)!  The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating arts, skills and lifestyles of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (pre-1600). Our Society is currently divided into 20 kingdoms, with members residing in countries around the world.

What Are You Wearing?
If you are interested, participants dress in clothing of a chosen pre-1600 time period and attend events. These events include a variety of features such as combat tournaments, arts exhibits, archery, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts and more. Our ‘royalty’, who are chosen by tournament combat every six months, hold courts at which they recognize and honour members for their contributions to the group.

How Did It All Start?
The SCA started in Berkley, California in 1966. A group of friends who were history enthusiasts hosted an outdoor party with the declaration of a Tournament on the invitation. It was to be held on the first of May and summoned “all knights to defend in single combat the title of ‘fairest’ for their ladies.” Everyone enjoyed the first tournament so much that they planned another. Over 50 years later here we are! 
About Our Region
Our region, called the Kingdom of Ealdormere encompasses almost all of Ontario and has a history going back to the 1970’s. Ealdormere has a reputation in the SCA for ferocity on the battlefield, the skill of its artisans and the hospitality of its people who always enjoy welcoming travelers and newcomers alike.

What Next?
The links to the right are a guide to give you an introduction to all of the amazing aspects of the SCA has to offer.

To join the email list to receive the latest issue of the Tidings and Vox Borealis email the Chronicler

If you want help getting involved, reach out to our newcomer coordinator.  Blair can be reached directly by email or on Discord.

Event Calendar

This is a list of upcoming events across Ontario that our local groups hold.  If you are interested in attending, we’d be happy to help you attend!