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Old Maps – The Kingdom of Ealdormere

Link to the Kingdom of Ealdormere Group Locator Map. As you will see, this is an interactive and searchable map that will return the Shire/Canton/Barony serving any given location, with links to the Group web page and Seneschal emails. The Group boundary data is derived from previous maps.

Old Maps of the Kingdom of Ealdormere and it’s Baronies

A map of the Barony of Skraeling Althing by Lady Kaðlín Konálsdottir. Map is Barony-Centric and may not reflect actual lands of Skraeling Althing
A map of the Barony of Ben Dunfirth by Prudence Underwit. Map is Barony-Centric and may not reflect actual lands of Ben Dunfrith.
A map of the Shire of Bastille du Lac, drawn by Jéhanne de Bretagne. Map is Shire-Centric and may not reflect actual lands of Bastille du Lac.

Older and dated maps

Some older, dated maps of Ealdormere. Some borders may have changed and been updated, please consult with your local Seneschal.