King Crispin and Queen Anne
Email: ealdormere.crown@gmail.com
Duchess Jocea
Email: joleen.demarco@gmail.com
Head of Entourage for His Majesty Chrispin
Baron Ceasare
Email: famigliasalvazzi@gmail.com
Head of Entourage for Her Majesty Anne
Lord Kanz
Email: kanz.von.talstadt@gmail.com
Reign Herald
Sir Brand
Email: checkyboy@gmail.com

Prince Gann and Princess Maegwynn
Email: ealdormere.heirs@gmail.com
THL Eeva the Restless
Email: eevatherestless@gmail.com
Head of Retinue
HE Anneke the Furious
Email: annekethefurious@gmail.com