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Kingdom Social Media Officer,
Sara Barrington

Ealdormere social media is the responsibility of the kingdom Social Media Officer, who reports to the Seneschal.

The lands of Ealdormere are far-reaching and staying in touch is always a challenge, so the kingdom is branching out its online presence into the realm of social media. The people of Ealdormere are invited to join in the discussion and stay connected via any of the available spaces below.

If you’re new to social media, or looking to create your own space, please consult the Tools page for more information. You do not necessarily need an account to view the information below.

Official Spaces

These sites are meant as alternate/supplementary means of communications and do not replace the main official source of news and announcements in the kingdom, which is Ealdormere’s monthly newsletter The Tidings.

The Kingdom of Ealdormere Facebook Group
News, information, photos and other updates relevant for the kingdom and its people. 

Ealdormere in the News Facebook Page
Chronicling the times when Ealdormerians appear in the media, with links to articles online. Maintained by the kingdom Media Relations Deputy.

Kingdom of Ealdormere on Pinterest
Photos featuring the people of Ealdormere, including our heraldry, royalty, and culture. The page also captures some great examples of medieval art and crafts from all over the internet.

Kingdom of Ealdormere YouTube Channel
Chronicling the times of the Plague Years and going forward. 

Ealdormere (SCA) of Twitter
@Ealdormere on Twitter

Ealdormere on Instagram
@ealdormere_sca on Instagram

Unofficial Spaces

These spaces are kingdom-wide discussion forums lead by the people of Ealdormere and are places for social discussion and collaboration. News shared here is considered “unofficial”, but is always useful.  

The History of Ealdormere Blog – A blog by THL Colyne Stewart with many articles on the history of Ealdormere.

Telling the story of our Kingdom – The Kingdom of Ealdormere on Flickr Photos by the populace

CankerVision – Silly youtube videos made by Ealdormerians to try to keep us laughing in the Plague Years. 

Also on Facebook 
(*not an exhaustive list by any means!)

Armed Might of Ealdormere – A space for the fighters of Ealdormere

Ealdormere Archery and Missile Weapons – For enthusiasts of SCA archery and thrown weapons (axes, etc.)

Ealdormere Arts & Sciences – Matters discussing the crafts and non-martial activities in Ealdormere

Ealdormere Barter Market – Share or trade stuff with other Ealdormerians

Ealdormere Event Planning and Administration Roundtable – Sharing tips, site leads, recruiting volunteers, and encouragement

Ealdormere Scribal College – Discussions concerning the scribal community

Games Guild of Ealdormere – For medieval games enthusiasts

History of Ealdormere and Archive of St. Etienne – Recording the history of Ealdormere for all

The Royal Horticultural and Herbalism Guild of Ealdormere – Shared interests in medieval gardening, plants, herbs, and technique

SCA Corporate Accounts

Visit the SCA’s official corporate social media spaces for more happenings around the known world.

Facebook            Pinterest             YouTube

Follow the official Twitter feed from the society (@SCAsocial)

Tools and Resources

list of tips and frequently asked questions is available for branches who want to create their own spaces.