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To donate money or property to Ealdormere

Unfortunately at this time, donations to Ealdormere, or groups within Ealdormere are not tax deductible. The following requirements are those of the SCA. These procedures are affected by the tax-deductibility of donations to the SCA in the US, and our future hopes of tax deductibility in Canada.

Donations of money without condition are cheerfully accepted. Cheques may be made payable to SCA-Ealdormere (or the name of another group).

Donations with attached conditions may not be accepted if there is any doubts the conditions may be fulfilled. Note that the Seneschal is the legal representative of the group and the only one who may sign contracts.

Donations of property may be accepted with some restrictions set by the Board of Directors for liability reasons. As an example, no group may accept a donation of car and/or trailer. When in doubt, check with the Kingdom Exchequer or Kingdom Seneschal.

There are different kinds of property:

  1. Regalia (coronets, jewelry, etc)
  2. Depreciable property (thrones, pavilions, etc)
  3. Non-depreciable property (consumables & items of small value)
  4. Inventory for sale (T-shirts, books, items bought for re-sale, etc)

The donor must set the value on the item. The Exchequer will need to determine to which category the property belongs. Value is the foremost difference between the second and third categories. The Exchequer may NOT set the value.