As of 13 Sep 2022 and ending 1 December 2022:
Proof of vaccination will no longer be required within the Kingdom of Ealdormere to attend any events. The CovidSafe declaration forms are no longer required.
1. Policies for all Events
a. If you are feeling unwell/are experiencing any symptoms of being ill and/or you have been asked to quarantine, do not attend any events (meetings, practices, gatherings, weekend events, etc).
b. All events must have the BoD required infectious disease signage posted and attached to your event promotion (websites, FB group, announcements, etc). This disclaimer is found on the Kingdom Website under the Library tab in the seneschal’s documents.
2. Policies for Indoor Events or spaces that are considered indoors
a. Masking indoors will continue to be required.
b. Singing is allowed but you must remain masked or maintain a distance of 3m from other participants.
c. Musical instruments that require a person to be unmasked are allowed but you must maintain a distance of 3m from other participants.
d. Musical ensembles can perform together unmasked but must be no greater than a group of 10 and must maintain a 3m distance from other participants.
e. Martial list fields will be required to designate one side that will have social distancing maintained so that combatants may remain unmasked to hydrate and/or eat as required. The previous transition rules have been removed.
f. Individual presence space count as a space to eat/drink if they are 3m from another presence/table.
g. A person must be seated at a table/presence to eat or drink (unless otherwise noted in this policy).
h. The Royalty room can count as a space to eat/drink; though the number of persons in the room must be limited while eating/drinking.
i. Food/Drink tasting activities are allowed.
i. The space for this activity must be sectioned off and a space of 2m separates it from the main hall.
ii. Attendees can be unmasked for the tasting portion of the activity.
iii. Adequate social distancing should be maintained and large groups within the space should be discouraged. Please try to keep standing/sitting groups to no greater than 10.
j. Tables for sitting
i. must be 2m apart from other tables
ii. do not need to be in a designated eating only area any longer.
iii. have a maximum number of seats assigned (to a max of 10)
iv. can be used to eat/drink while seated at the table
v. masks must be worn when leaving the table
vi. it is expected that if a person is seated at a table and is not eating/drinking, then they should be wearing a mask.
3. Policies for Outdoor Events
a. Masks are not required when outdoors. Individuals are allowed to mask if they prefer.
b. There are no restrictions on martial activities.
c. Singing and instrument playing are allowed.
d. Large tents/sunshades that have a minimum of three sides open do not count as indoors.
e. Any large tents/sunshades that have two or more walls up, count as indoors and masks must be worn when inside.
4. Policies for Camping Events
a. Masks are not required when outdoors. Individuals are allowed to mask if they prefer.
b. If the camping event has both outdoor and indoor spaces; then masks must be worn when indoors.
i. Personal tents do not count as indoor space.
ii. Personal tents do count as indoor space if they are being used to teach a class/used in official capacity as an event activity.
iii. Tents that have one or no walls do not count as indoor space.
iv. Tents that have two or more walls count as indoor space and masks must be worn.
v. Cabins used as public space (official socializing, teaching, etc) for an event is considered as indoors and masks must be worn.
vi. Indoor sleeping areas (ex: dorms/rooms as part of a larger indoor building/cabin) that are set up for families are not considered public space.
1. Masks do not need to be worn when inside their own sleeping area.
2. Masks must be worn when leaving the sleeping room, including when heading to the washroom.
c. There are no restrictions on martial activities.
d. Singing and instrument playing are allowed.
e. Camping events without amenities are required to ensure that there are extra handwash stations when ordering port-a-potties.
5. Policies regarding Feasts/Lunches
a. Feasts are allowed. All seneschals and/or event steward must check with each site to familiarize themselves with all regulations/rules regarding food preparation at their venue. Due to a variety of covid related changes, there may be different rules now.
i. Feast tables should be 2m from each other.
ii. Maximum of 8-10 people at each table.
iii. Only those attending or serving/preparing the feast will be allowed in the feast room.
b. Food trucks are allowed.
c. Lunch counters are allowed. All seneschals and/or event steward must check with the site to ensure and familiarize themselves with all regulations/rules regarding food preparation. Due to a variety of covid related changes, there may be different rules now.
d. There are no restrictions on individual camping groups regarding food.