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Fall Crown Court Report

by HRM Adrielle

PRINCE AND PRINCESS – Sir Siegfried Brandboern and Mistress Ragni Dzintara of Amberhall

MAIDEN’S HEART – Marrin von Waldburg
SCARLET BANNER – Louis Etienne
SCARLET BANNER –  Yamagata Tokifune 
SCARLET BANNER – Brennen Suibhne 

Her Grace Rylyn passed the Ducal coronet to Her Grace Kaylah that has been passed on to each new Duchess in Ealdormere

PRIZES from the Autocrats for various activities – This was not done in Court as We had asked that it be done during Feast.  However  We give Our apologies in this respect as we did not realize that most recipients did not stay for feast.  Please contact the autocrat to make arrangements to receive your prizes if you have not already done so.

COMBAT – THL Guillaume le Breton for Countess Jolecia of Litchfield
A&S – THL Asa Gormansdottir ( amazing outfit she was wearing
THROWN WEAPONS – Lord Brennen Suibhne
RAPIER – Lord Tadic of Trinovantia Nova