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From the Minister of Arts and Sciences

Wencenedl, Minister of the Arts and Sciences for the fair Kingdom of Ealdormere to noble Craftsmen of all Ranks and loyal Subjects of the Realm – Greetings!

It is with great pleasure that I look forward to seeing many of you on the 16th of this month to celebrates the Arts of the Lupine Lands at our Fall A&S Faire being held in Septentria’s canton of Ard Creag (specifically at the Claremont Community Centre – 4941 Old Brock Road, Claremont, Ontario). I owe many thanks to the Lady Eeva the Restless for stewarding the event and running with the changes that have been made this fall. I am also looking forward to the feast being prepared by the Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldsson. It should be wonderful.

As announced at the Althing in September and detailed in my letter last month, there will be no Penathalon competition at this event, but Her Majesty will instead be hosting a Queen’s Prize Tourney wherein novice artisans From the Minister of Arts and Sciences (those holding an Orion or no A&S award) are mentored by Journeymen and Master artisans (members of the Orders of the Laurel and the Crucible). In addition, each of the traditional five categories is being sponsored by one of our five baronies: Performing Arts – Skraeling Althing; Textile & Needle Arts – Septentria; Technological
Sciences – Rising Waters; Studio Crafts – Ben Dunfirth; Domestic Arts – Ramshaven. All pre-registrations have been received by now, but beginner-level entries are still welcome day-of.

I encourage everyone to come out and have a look at what our craftsmen and artists have been creating recently. May each of you continue in good health and good spirits until next we meet.