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Message from the Crown

Greetings unto Our Steadfast and Resilient Kingdom of Ealdormere,

This summer it has been wonderful to see all of the activities being planned and implemented virtually, not just in Our Kingdom, but across the Known World. It can be difficult to remain connected and this is not what any of us are used to. But Ealdormere is strong and proud and resilient and we shall make it through these dark times together and be all the stronger for it.

With the announcement from the Board regarding the suspension of events until into the new year, We find Ourselves facing many months ahead. To keep Ourselves at a manageable pace, We plan to hold Court the third Saturday of each month for the remainder of this calendar year. While We continue to hold awards for once we all can gather together in person, We do know there are some in Our Kingdom where receiving recognition virtually may be the most appropriate way for them. Maybe it’s someone who has long been deserving for service to their local group, but has been unable to make it to events on Saturdays or maybe it’s someone who does not want to be called into Court, but wouldn’t mind being acknowledged virtually without being showcased on the screen. Whatever the reason might be, please send Us any recommendation for deserving gentles in Our Kingdom that might benefit from receiving recognition in this way. 

In July, We added many names to the Scroll of Honour. We recognized many of Our Kingdom for their work as front line workers and many more for making and/or assisting with the making of masks and other necessary protective gear for their communities. In September, We would like to recognize those that have been hosting or assisting with online content. If you have any names to recommend for this recognition, please forward them to Us by email. If there are names that were missed in July, please send those to Us as well so they might be rightfully added to the Scroll for their deeds.

Lastly, We would also ask you for your help during the months to come. Our staff, the Kingdom Officers, and so many others have been working hard to provide online content to help find ways to maintain and strengthen our connection with one another during this forced hiatus. With potentially six more months to go, We would ask for input from the Kingdom for new ideas for connectivity, and volunteers to donate some of their time to help support these endeavours. We would ask good gentles in the Kingdom to contact Us or Maister Colyne should you wish to help. We welcome input and assistance from all: newcomers to the Society, long time members, those who have unique interests, those who have ideas they would like to see realized. We hope to hear from you.

Stay strong friends and stay safe. We will get through this together.

King Rattanicus and Queen Isabel

​Year of the Plague