VI-1600 All Officers of State shall meet with the Heirs as soon as practical to inform Them of the state of the Office, and advise the Heirs of the Officer’s duties towards the Royalty and the Kingdom. This information should be presented by way of written statements which shall include:
• How long they have held their office and when their term is scheduled to end
• List of current (major) Deputies and when they assumed the position and when their term is up
• List of current projects and status of same together with a list of anticipated projects and scope of same
• Copy of most recent report for the office
Proposed Addition to Kingdom Law
VII-800 The Kingdom Webminister shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Kingdom website pursuant to Corpora and the standards set forth by the Society Webminister, together with the maintenance of the Kingdom Web Server.
VII-801 The Kingdom Webminister shall be conversant with the governing documents that pertain to the office and shall ensure that all recognized branch sites for the Kingdom are in compliance with, and meet the standards set forth by the Society Webminister.
VII-802 The Kingdom Webminister shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date warrant list.
VII-803 The Kingdom Webminister shall appoint deputies as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the office and shall be is responsible for supervising the activities of his/her deputies.
VII-804 The Kingdom Webminister shall adhere to the laws governing financial accounting and contracts (Article XVI) and the Kingdom Operating Policies, Section One – Financial, when administering the financial aspects of the office. The Webminister shall report to the Kingdom Exchequer regarding all financial matters pertaining to the office.
VII-805 The Kingdom Webminister, and all subordinate officers, will provide to the appropriate branch seneschal a copy of those reports necessary to maintain branch status by a date mutually acceptable to the officer and the branch seneschal.
Nigel and Adrielle
Rex et Regina Ealdormere