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Final Court of Nigel and Adrielle

Final Court of Nigel and Adrielle April 26, 2014

HAMMER – Gunther Wahlstadt of Bremen
 SCROLL OF HONOUR – Colyne Stewart
 WAIN – Sven Gunnolfr Ragnaldson
 WAIN – Aelfwyn et Langanwude
 TH Lady Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell -Royal Favour
 Lord Rorik -Queen’s Favour
 Mistress Aelfwyn et Langanwude – King’s Favour
 King’s Favour – Duke Brannos

 Thank you to everyone who made Coronation such a great time. We had a great day and it was a wonderful end to our reign. It was wonderful to share the day with friends from near and far and to see some faces we haven’t seen in a very long time. Special thanks once again to our household for their patience and support this past year – especially Mahault and Mahhild for being Chancellor and Chamberlain. Thank you as well to those who served as our Champions, Mistress Ælfwyn Langanwuda, Lord Rorik, TH Lady Jocelyn and Lady Ailis – you were all amazing and we were so humbled to have you be our champions. To the Kingdom – we were touched by the support and enthusiasm which you shared with us, truly without You we are nothing as Crown. It was such a privilege to be able to welcome so many new folks, bestow awards on talented and deserving folks and to share the past year with you all.

  Congratulations and Wassail to TRM Siegfried and Ragni – We were wonderfully surprised with the Ducal Estates you granted us.

Thank you all, cheers
Nigel and Adrielle