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Crown Combatants List

These are the Combatants for the Crown Tournament of King Seigfreid and Queen Ragni

Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer for Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful
Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful for Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer
The Honourable Lord Guillaume le Breton for Countess Joleicia of Litchfield
Mistress Aelfwyn aet Langanwuda for Lord Evan Quicktongue
Baron Richard Larmer for Baroness Annabelle Makmyllane
Baron Tiberius of Warwickshire for Baroness Anne Tinker
Baron Kolbjorn Skatkaupandi for Baroness Wencenedl of Rokesburg
Baron Giovanni d’Enzinas for Baroness Lucia d’Enzinas
The Honourable Lord Gann for The Honourable Lady Maiwen
The Honourable Lord Bjarn Aaronson for Lady Orlaith inghen Cinada meic Briain
Lord Rorik for The Honourable Lady Jocelyn Roget de Cranewell
The Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldson for Lord Pelayo of Marchmount
Lord Pelayo of Marchmount for The Honourable Lord Hans Thorvaldsson
The Honourable Lord Amelius Claudius Rattanicus for The Honourable Lady Isabel Atwyll
Lord Edward of Flaming Sky for The Honourable Lady Constance Payne of Caldrithig
Lady Ailis de la Marche of Eoforwic for Lady Elanna of House Marchmount of Eorforwic
Jack Mongo the Pirate for Lady Eeva the Restless

These are the 17 pairs of Combatants and Consorts fighting for the Line of the North.

On behalf of Their Majesties Seigfreid and Ragni,
In Service, I remain,

Baroness Kersteken Janzdochtere
Kingdom Seneschal