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Call for a new Kingdom Media Relations Deputy

Greetings all,
By now you may have seen my note in the March Tidings that I am seeking my replacement as Kingdom Media Relations Deputy. This is a unique opportunity for someone to support Ealdormere with public outreach. If you’ve got the right skills-set please consider applying. The deadline is March 25. See below for the details.
Thank you!
THL Avelyn Wexcombe of Great Bedwyn
This is a deputy position under the Kingdom’s Seneschal. In my opinion it is one of the more unique officer positions and can provide great experience that applies to the mundane world as well. It can be quiet for long periods of time, broken by a flurry of activity in short bursts requiring close attention.
Our Media Relations Officer (as I refer to it in mundane circles) acts as the official contact point for the media and by extension, the public. Much like a seneschal, the role sometimes interfaces more with the “real world” in its administration than other offices in the SCA.
The position requires:

  • an excellent sense of tact and common sense/strategic thinking;
  • an ability to respond to media requests in tight timing; and,
  • fair measures of initiative, organizational and interpersonal skills.

Candidates interested in the office should have consistent and reliable access to web and email (currently the office has a Gmail account to maintain) as well as phone and if possible, texting. Reporters are apt to use a variety of methods to contact the officer, and the candidate should be able to return queries during their workday breaks if an urgent situation requires it. Of course, the KMRD also needs to be an SCA Inc. member in good standing.
Candidates do not necessarily need academic or professional experience in media/public relations, communications, or journalism. However, having some experience or formal training in one of these fields is a definite asset. An interest in using social media for the office is an asset.
To apply, please send me your letter of interest and preferably both your SCA and modern resumes to by Kingdom A&S (March 25). Candidates should outline what draws them to the position and their relevant experience.