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Declaratio Virtutum Regni Ealdormeriensis

These are the virtues of the Kingdom of Ealdormere to which we aspire and strive in thought, word, and deed:

Honour: In all our acts, we strive to be true to the ideals that are the foundation of our Society and to keep our word.

Inclusiveness: We welcome those of all backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, or abilities, and will endeavour to make all spaces open and safe for all.

Kindness: We strive to be generous and considerate, breaking down barriers, drawing strength from our community, rejecting bigotry, combatting hate.

Above all, Equity and Justice, respecting the rights of others, giving each person their due in keeping with the laws and customs of Society and Kingdom. There shall be no place within our halls for those who by their words or actions reject these laws and customs, regardless of rank or status.
We who here witness this document hold ourselves to this pledge

This document shall not be sealed and is not complete.

This strength of unity shall ever increase in perpetuity.