I stepped up into the Lord Clerk Register role last November. Although it is a different job than I initially thought it is still a really interesting one, and one that I am proud to have. It is the practice of Privy Council to seek deputies to replace members at one year so that there is time for overlap, so at this time I am seeking applications for my eventual replacement.
The bare minimum requirement:
The Lord Clerk-Register needs to have
- a current SCA membership,
- a reliable internet connection, and
- a working computer.
The Duties
- Report to Privy Council and the duties therein such as reading Kingdom level event bids, vote on laws and other motions. Advise the Crown and the Seneschal
- Oversee the regional deputies, and maintain a current warrant list for their majesties to sign at future Coronations
- Report to society 5 times a year, including Blackfox award nominations, and keep up with the the society wide Slack chat server
- Keep ealdormere.ca up to date, including making sure any approved expenses related to the web site are paid in full and update content as required
- Maintain the Emaildodo listserv and add groups as the Kingdom requires
- Book Zoom video conferencing appointments with the Kingdom Calendar Secretary using google calendar, and launch the program for the use of anyone in the Kingdom.
- Answer emails related to the ealdormereweb@gmail.com in a timely manner, and
- Attempt tech support when needed
I spend probably 4-12 hours a week on the above, most of that staying on top of the Zoom requirements. Once things are back to “normal” I think that these hours will go back down to pre-pandemic levels of 4 to 5 hours a week. I will train my successor on all the software requirements.
If you have any questions email me at ealdormereweb@gmail.com and I will try to answer them.
Applications are due by December 31, 2020.
In your service
Barones Lucia de Enzinas, OL
Lord Clerk-Register.