of Ealdormere do I, Wencenedl, KMoAS, send wishes
for an auspicious start to the year!
It has been two months since our Fall A&S event and I’m
still hearing people talk about! It is a good thing, I think,
that we have a Spring A&S Faire in less than three months’
time. I am looking forward to another wonderful day and
I trust everyone has their projects well in hand. It was also
encouraging to have a lot of discussion about the Arts
& Sciences in Ealdormere at the Kingdom Moot held at
At this time, I am accepting applications for a Sucessor.
Ideally this person will spend a year as my deputy and
then step into the role. Therefore, I would like to that
person chosen and approved by Privy Council prior to
Spring A&S. The deadline for applications is March 1st.
Please include a letter telling me why you like the job and
a CV of your SCA career.
Fare ye well always