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From the Minister of Arts & Science

Greetings in the search for light!

If Candlemas Day be fair and bright
Winter will have another fight
If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain
Winter won’t come again

The medieval festival of Candlemas on February 2nd marks the halfway point of winter, halfway between the Winter Solstice (December 21) and the Spring Equinox (March 20th). One custom of the middle ages was to bring beeswax candles to church to blessed on February 2nd and hence the name. Our Ealdormerian winter is likely to hold on for while still, but the days are
getting brighter! With the longer days we can also look forward to the Spring A&S Faire, which conveniently takes place a week after the Spring Equinox: March 29th, in Ben Dunfirth. I trust everyone has their projects well in hand and I look forward to seeing them.

On a more administrative note, this letter is my second announcement
that I am accepting applications for a Sucessor. Ideally this person will spend a year as my deputy and then step into the role. The deadline for applications is March 1st in order that Privy Council has time to review them prior to Spring
A&S. When applying, please include both a letter outlining why you like the job, and a CV of positions you’ve held in the SCA and/or any applicable experience outside the SCA.

Once again and once more, farewell until our paths should cross, or my next letter should arrive in your hands.
~ Wencenedl ~