Have you ever wondered about what events led to the founding of Ealdormere? Or it’s local groups? The History of Ealdormere website is a repository…
On the 26th day of April 2014 (AS 48), Baron Siegfried Brandbeorn, knight of the Society, and squire to Duke Sir Finnvarr deTaahe, and Ragni…
Morning Court===========CROWN – Siegfried BrandbeornCROWN – Ragni Tzintara of Amberhall Evening Court===========* TE Rising Waters announced their intent to step down* TRM announced their champions…
Final Court of Nigel and Adrielle April 26, 2014 HAMMER – Gunther Wahlstadt of Bremen SCROLL OF HONOUR – Colyne Stewart WAIN – Sven Gunnolfr Ragnaldson WAIN – Aelfwyn…
In April AS 18 the people of the north held an arts and sciences competition at which many wonderful works were shown. Many awards were…
AoA Ashling of Petrea ThuleAoA …
At Gulf Wars We conducted a small piece of business in Calontir Court.We placed Sir Bohemond le Sinistre and his wife Lady Rhieinwylydd Cyfeilog on the…
Court of TRM conducted at Winter War by HRM Adrielle Wolf’s Cub – Gwerith of Brynniau Tywynnog AoA – Mattius of Petrea Thule AoA – Kanina Mac’ Am…
During the course of the upcoming reign of Siegfried and Ragni there will be several game tournaments held at various events. Each tourney will have…
My time as Kingdom Marshal of Minor Combat is coming to an end, and it is time to look for a successor. The Kingdom…